Relevant Past Assignments

1. Messrs Port Consult, Denmark. Provided port management input for a Danish Development Agency (DANIDA) sponsored feasibility study into the modernization and expansion of the Elmina Fishing Harbour.
Elmina,Ghana. 1992-1993

2. Ghana Export Promotion Council& The World Bank. In partnership with International Development Ireland (IDI), carried out a feasibility study for the Establishment of an Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in Ghana.
Accra,Ghana. 1993

3. Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority & The World Bank. In partnership with Messrs BCEOM of France, and Port Consult of Denmark, and as the container operations and human resource specialist, produced Port Master Plans for Tema Port and Takoradi Port.
Ghana. 1993-1994

4. Ministry of Transport & Communications & The World Bank. In collaboration with MessrsThorburnCollquon of UK carried out an Inter Modal Study in Transport in Ghana. Container specialist responsible for identifying appropriate equipment suitable for container handling operations in Tema Port.
Ghana. 1994

5. INRETS, Paris, The World Bank, &Minconmar. Carried out a Study on Transport Chains & Competitiveness in Ghana, which aimed at assessing the weight of transport cost in international trade. This covered four commodities including cocoa, identifying their operating processes and total cost of transportation from farm gate to international markets.
Accra,Ghana. 1995

6. TMMS, Ghana &Coastinvest, Switzerland. Feasibility Study and Business Plan for establishment of an Inland Container Depot in Tema.
Tema,Ghana. 1996

7. CPCS & CIDA, Canada. Contracted to prepare a paper on “The Future of West Africa National Shipping Lines.
Accra,Ghana; Abidjan,Cote d'Ivoire. 1996

8. UNESCO-IOC, Paris. Contracted to prepare a document,“A Regional Overview on Waste Management in the Ports/Harbours of Benin, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo. The document was used in sensitizing the public in the organization's Marine Debris Outreach Campaign.
West Africa,1997

9. International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Team Leader for an UN inter Agency (IMO, UNEP, FAO, UNCTAD, IUCN) Mission to Somalia for the Project,“The Protection & Sustainable Development of Somalia's Maritime Environment, Seaports and Coastal Areas”.
Nairobi,Kenya; Mogadishu,Hargesa,Berbera, Bossaso in Somalia,and Djibouti. 1998.

10. UNDP, Accra. Contracted to conduct a Management Audit into freight forwarding services procured by the UNDP.
Accra. 1998

11. Management training programmes : For officials in the Ghanaian maritime industry, and also for Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority, and Gambia Port Authority for various levels of employees.Some of topics covered included;
Tema,Takoradi,Banjul (1991-1997)

12. Shanghai Maritime University, China: Preparation and delivery of a four-week course in Port Operations & Management
Shanghai, April 2010

13. Team Leader: Consultancy services for the development of a National Ballast Water Status Assessment; and a National Ballast Water Management Strategy for Ghana;
IMO/UNDP, Accra June 2010

14. Port Concession Advisory Service: National Ports Authority of Liberia for the Concessioning of The Freeport of Monrovia
Monrovia, July 2010

15. Transportevents Ltd: Delivery of conference papers on various port management topics (Dubai. Dakar, Bangkok, Cape Town, Seychelles, Madagascar
2005 – to date

16. EXIM Bank of Nigeria/ECOWAS: In collaboration with Messrs AIMS (Gh) Ltd prepared A Feasibility and Business Plan for the Establishment of a Coastal Shipping Line forWest and Central Africa.
March – June 2011

17.Feasibility Study for Establishing a Coastal Shipping Line for West & Central Africa (All Coastal West & Central African Countries, 2011, Port Operations Specialist, EXIM Bank of Nigeria/ECOWAS); Carrying out technical, economic and political studies for establishing a coastal shipping line in the West and Central Africa region to carry both passengers and cargo; Studied port operations in all ports in West and Central Africa to ascertain the preparedness of these ports to handle the trade, especially passengers.

18. Nigeria Ports Authority: Preparation and delivery of a one week course in “Deep Water Port Development and Management” for 20 management personnel from Nigerian Ports Authority in Accra,Ghana
October 2011

19. Concessioning of the Container Terminal in Liberia (Liberia, , Transaction Advisor, National Port Authority of Liberia) Concessioning of port facilities; Provided advisory services to Management and Board of National Port Authority of Liberia in its container terminal Concessioning; Preparation of Concession Agreement and Negotiating with concessionaires for container terminal, Iron Ore Terminal, Oil Shorebase (Port of Buchanan) and General Cargo Berth in Port of Greenville)

20. National Ports Authority of Liberia: National Ports Authority of Liberia. Carried out Ports Master Plan Studies for the four Ports in Liberia, in Collaboration with Messrs NIRAS of Denmark, and CPCS of Canada. Responsible for port operations and management,human resource and institutional reforms.
August 2011 – December 2012

21. Nigeria Ports Authority: Carried out 25 year Ports Master Plan Studies for the Ports in Nigeria, in Collaboration with Messrs NIRAS of Denmark, and CPCS of Canada. Responsible for port operations and management.
January 2013 – (March 2014)

22. Liberia Port Authority: Provided Technical Advisory Servicrs to the Authority by providing 5 Consultants in the areas of Port Operations, Marine Operations (Harbour Master), Finance, Poer Environment and Estates, and a Team Leader who assisted the Office of the Managing Director.
February 2013 – January 2014

23. Kiri Kiri Terminals Concessioning (Nigeria, Operations & Marketing Specialist – Transaction Advisor for Concessioning of Kiri kiri Lighter Terminals, Nigeria Ports Authority) This study was part of the PPP programme of NPA which started in 2006, the Government of Nigeria decided to inculde the Kiri Kiri Lighter Terminals I and II, which hitherto were not earmarked for programme, for concessioning, for container handling and a fishing terminal.; indentify potential interests,; indentify potential investors; identify intended use of the terminals.

24. Nigeria Ports Authority:Transaction Advisors for Concessioning of Kirikiri Lighter Terminals, in Lagos, Nigeria. As part of the PPP programme of NPA which started in 2006, the Government of Nigeria decided to inculde the Kiri Kiri Lighter Terminals I and II, which hitherto were not earmarked for programme, for concessioning, for container handling and a fishing terminal. CPCS were appointed as Transaction Advisors to advise the ICRC. Benom Consult's role as a sub contractor is to indentify potential interests and investors, and what they intend to use the terminals for
March 2014 – Dec 2014

25. Port Concession Advisory Service: National Ports Authority of Liberia for the Concessioning of Port of Buchanan and Port of Greenville
July 2014 – Jan 2015

26. Ministry of Transport & Communication, Botswana: Preparation of a National Multi Modal Transport Master Plan and Greater Gaborone Transport Master Plan: Subcontracted by CPCS Canada to provide Maritime Transport input
Jan 2015 – On going

27. Port Authority of Berbera, Republic of Somaliland: Development of Port of Berbera and concessioning of port to private sector operators. Subcontracted by Niras, Denmark, to provide port management input and assess proposals submitted by terminal operators and propose suitable proposal.

27. Berbera Port Master Plan (Berbera Port Authority) This study was to design a Master Plan for the Port of Berbera. Subcontracted by NIRAS A/S of Denmark, responsible for; Carrying out due diligence on cargo handling operations in the port.; Carrying out an inventory of equipment on the terminals; Analysing shipboard operations, transfer operations, storage and receipt/delivery on the various terminals; Identifying bottleneck in the Berth System; Analysing Proposals submitted by foreign operators for the concessioning of the Port of Berbera and assisting the Authority to select the best offer
Sept 2015 – 2016

28. Preparation on a National Multi-Modal Transport Master Plan (NMMTMP) and a Greater Gaborone Transport Master Plan (GGTMP) (Botswana, , Government of Botswana). As a landlocked country, Botswana’s imports and exports remain velnerable to disruptions in sea ports of neighbouring countries with access to the sea. This transport sub sector is underdeveloped and the consultant would be expected to give guidance on the development of the sector with a view to improving the economic performance of the entire transport sector.; Obtaining data, reports or documents related to the assignment; Collating and reviewing all the relevant information/data gathered including historical traffic statistics, reports, studies and development plans, including the draft policy white paper; Developing a maritime transport strategy for the country’s maritime transport sector to meet forecasted demand, which will include indentification of maritime transport sector development options and candidate projects for final selection to be included in the NMMTMP and GGTMP
February 2015 – 2016

30. Concession Agreements for Port Operatrors (National Port Authority of Liberia,) Contracted by NPA to Prepare and Negotiate Concession Agreements and Shareholders Agreements between the Authority and 4 chosen Terminal Operators in two ports in Liberia, namely Port of Buchanan, and Port of Greenville). Selected Operators include; Bollore Africa Logistics (Container Terminal in Port of Buchanan); Jonah Capital (Iron Ore Terminal in Port of Terminal); APM Terminals (Container Terminal in Port of Greenville.
June 2014 – 2015

31. Technical Assistance to Nigerian Shippers Council (Nigeria, , Team Leader/Port Operations & Magt Expert, Nigerian Shippers’ Council) The Federal Government of Nigeria, as a result of the problems in the ports of Nigeria following the privatisation of the Terminals hitherto operated by Nigerian Ports Authority, appointed the Nigerian Shippers’ Council as Economic Regulators in the Ports. ; Carrying out due diligence on the cargo handling operations on the NPA concessioned terminals; Identifying institutions and processes in the ports; Assisting the Council in Consultation with Stakeholders; Preparation of comprehensive diagnostic report and work plan for the Nigerian maritime Sector.
Jan 2015 – 2016

32. Nigeria Ports Master Plan (Nigeria. Port Operations Specialist, Nigeria Ports Authority) This study was to design a 25 year Master Plan for the ports of Nigeria after the Authority’s Concessioning programme; Carrying out due diligence on the cargo handling operations on the NPA concessioned terminals, numbering about 15; Carrying out an inventory of equipment on the terminals ; Analysing shipboard operations, transfer operations, storage and receipt/delivery on the various terminals; Identifying bottleneck in the Berth System
2014 - 2016

33. Berbera Port Master Plan (Republic of Somaliland, Berbera Port Authority) This study was to design a Master Plan for the Port of Berbera. Subcontracted by NIRAS A/S of Denmark, responsible for, Carrying out due diligence on cargo handling operations in the port.; Carrying out an inventory of equipment on the terminals ; Analysing shipboard operations, transfer operations, storage and receipt/delivery on the various terminals; Identifying bottleneck in the Berth System; Analysing Proposals submitted by foreign terminal operators for the concessioning of the Port of Berbera and assisting the Authority to select the best offer.
Sept 2015 – 2016,

34. Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Port Concessions in West Africa. Client: ECOWAS and Port Management Association of West & Central African States) Subcontracted by CPCS of Canada as the Social Impact Assessment Specialist, this project is to assess the socio-economic impact of port concessions in West African ports and produce best practice guideline on empirical modalities for win-win port concession models for the ECOWAS region.. It was to carry out a diagnostic study of the socio-economic impact of port concessions in nine (9) countries in the ECOWAS region using a set of criteria and indicators including pre- concession and post-concession Service costs/tariffs; port infrastructure and facilities developed, port Service quality impact (ship turnround times. cargo dwell times, ship productivity, etc.•), employment generated (direct and indirect), intra-port terminal competition. environmental sustainability impact, community social responsibility of concessionaires, other exogenous factors that impact on socio­ economic benefits.; It was also to produce an evidence-based best practice guideline (EBPG) on port concessions that will generate a balanced socio- economic benefit to all stakeholders of the ports and hinterland economies. This guideline was expected to help in the review of existing concession agreements and also guide in the design of future concessions
April 2018 – February 2020

35. Technical Assistance and Sopport For Implemantation of a Susidiary Cargo Handling Company For Stevedoring Services at The Port of Banjul Client: Gambia Ports Authority, The Gambia Feb 2021 - Contracted by the Gambia Ports Authority to design a Roadmap for the establishment of a Dock Labour Company to provide stevedoring services in the Port of Banjul. This is the first step towards starting the implementation of the much delayed Port Reforms in Gambia. This included, Determining Exit and Detention Schemes;; Establishment of Terms and Conditions on Service;; Introduction of Flexible Working Practices;; Introduction of Rates of Pay based on type of Cargo;; Improved Welfare Conditions of Dock Workers;; Setting up of a cargo handling Company;
February 2021 – January 2024